Monday, December 8, 2014

Blogmas Day 8: All my Advent Calenders

~Heyy Guys~
Maybe a slightly boring post today, but it's going to be all of my calenders i have this year! Yes maybe this is a bit over the top as one single person does not need all these calenders but i'll talk you through them all anyway!
First one is the one i get off my mum and dad.
Second is one i get off my Grandma and Grandad.
Third is the fabric reusable one my mum fills up each year for me and my sister so  this year we had some cute little bags which she put one of four different ones in some of the pockets. They they corresponded to ones on the tree for both of us.
Fourth is not really just mine but a family one as it's the Yankee Advent Calender, so we open each door and light it as we have our meal for the evening.
And finally the last is one my mum surprised me with today actually (yes i know its 8 days into December but it was on sale for only 80p from.... £1 i don't even know what she was thinking!) But it's frozen and i got to eat the days which had already gone so it was all good!
So yes maybe a bit excessive but it is Christmas so why not!

Liv xoxo

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